About the artist
My name is Anthony DeSoto but I prefer Jon, I'm from Nevada but based out of the Southern Colorado area for the last 10 years.
This is a short biography of my artistry. I have absolutely no art schooling. I was blessed with this talent and kept seeking more to learn on my own. This thirst for knowledge has given me the opportunity to do a lot and helped me master plenty over the years. My medium of choice is permanent black ink drawings. The drawings make a substantial impact on viewers and enthusiasts and are created with immense detail. I've created a lot in my youth starting with the one pivotal moment in second grade with Taz (Tasmanian Devil). Since then I've immersed myself in everything art. My original creations are in pencil, markers, graffiti, oil paintings, watercolors, pastels, digital art, and black ink. I've recently created a lot of digital designs. I have carried everything I've learned over to digital in the hopes of rendering something spectacular for clients and for pure enjoyment.